
This tag encodes the JavaScript input as JSFuck. A technique to generate non-alpha JavaScript first discovered on the sla.ckers forums. The encoder is written by Martin Kleppe.

Created by: hackvertor
Installed 0 times

Category: XSS

Created on: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 5:00:28 PM

Updated on: Thursday, October 17, 2024 at 5:30:03 PM

This is a built in tag
Tag arguments
      "type": "boolean",
      "help": "This argument is used to wrap the code with eval",
      "defaultValue": "true"
class jsFuck {
  constructor() {
    /*! JSFuck 0.5.0 - http://jsfuck.com */

    (function (self) {
      const MIN = 32,
        MAX = 126;

      const SIMPLE = {
        false: "![]",
        true: "!![]",
        undefined: "[][[]]",
        NaN: "+[![]]",
          "+(+!+[]+(!+[]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[+!+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]])", // +"1e1000"

      const CONSTRUCTORS = {
        Array: "[]",
        Number: "(+[])",
        String: "([]+[])",
        Boolean: "(![])",
        Function: '[]["flat"]',
        RegExp: 'Function("return/"+false+"/")()',
        Object: '[]["entries"]()',

      const MAPPING = {
        a: '(false+"")[1]',
        b: '([]["entries"]()+"")[2]',
        c: '([]["flat"]+"")[3]',
        d: '(undefined+"")[2]',
        e: '(true+"")[3]',
        f: '(false+"")[0]',
        g: "(false+[0]+String)[20]",
        h: '(+(101))["to"+String["name"]](21)[1]',
        i: "([false]+undefined)[10]",
        j: '([]["entries"]()+"")[3]',
        k: '(+(20))["to"+String["name"]](21)',
        l: '(false+"")[2]',
        m: '(Number+"")[11]',
        n: '(undefined+"")[1]',
        o: '(true+[]["flat"])[10]',
        p: '(+(211))["to"+String["name"]](31)[1]',
        q: '("")["fontcolor"]([0]+false+")[20]',
        r: '(true+"")[1]',
        s: '(false+"")[3]',
        t: '(true+"")[0]',
        u: '(undefined+"")[0]',
        v: '(+(31))["to"+String["name"]](32)',
        w: '(+(32))["to"+String["name"]](33)',
        x: '(+(101))["to"+String["name"]](34)[1]',
        y: "(NaN+[Infinity])[10]",
        z: '(+(35))["to"+String["name"]](36)',

        A: '(NaN+[]["entries"]())[11]',
        B: "(+[]+Boolean)[10]",
        C: 'Function("return escape")()(("")["italics"]())[2]',
        D: 'Function("return escape")()([]["flat"])["slice"]("-1")',
        E: '(RegExp+"")[12]',
        F: "(+[]+Function)[10]",
        G: '(false+Function("return Date")()())[30]',
        H: null,
        I: '(Infinity+"")[0]',
        J: null,
        K: null,
        L: null,
        M: '(true+Function("return Date")()())[30]',
        N: '(NaN+"")[0]',
        O: "(+[]+Object)[10]",
        P: null,
        Q: null,
        R: "(+[]+RegExp)[10]",
        S: "(+[]+String)[10]",
        T: '(NaN+Function("return Date")()())[30]',
        U: '(NaN+Object()["to"+String["name"]]["call"]())[11]',
        V: null,
        W: null,
        X: null,
        Y: null,
        Z: null,

        " ": '(NaN+[]["flat"])[11]',
        "!": null,
        '"': '("")["fontcolor"]()[12]',
        "#": null,
        $: null,
        "%": 'Function("return escape")()([]["flat"])[21]',
        "&": '("")["fontcolor"](")[13]',
        "'": null,
        "(": '([]["flat"]+"")[13]',
        ")": '([0]+false+[]["flat"])[20]',
        "*": null,
        "+": "(+(+!+[]+(!+[]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[+!+[]]+[+[]]+[+[]])+[])[2]",
        ",": '[[]]["concat"]([[]])+""',
        "-": '(+(.+[0000001])+"")[2]',
        ".": "(+(+!+[]+[+!+[]]+(!![]+[])[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]]+[+[]])+[])[+!+[]]",
        "/": '(false+[0])["italics"]()[10]',
        ":": '(RegExp()+"")[3]',
        ";": '("")["fontcolor"](NaN+")[21]',
        "<": '("")["italics"]()[0]',
        "=": '("")["fontcolor"]()[11]',
        ">": '("")["italics"]()[2]',
        "?": '(RegExp()+"")[2]',
        "@": null,
        "[": '([]["entries"]()+"")[0]',
        "\\": '(RegExp("/")+"")[1]',
        "]": '([]["entries"]()+"")[22]',
        "^": null,
        _: null,
        "`": null,
        "{": '(true+[]["flat"])[20]',
        "|": null,
        "}": '([]["flat"]+"")["slice"]("-1")',
        "~": null,

      const GLOBAL = 'Function("return this")()';

      function fillMissingDigits() {
        var output, number, i;

        for (number = 0; number < 10; number++) {
          output = "+[]";

          if (number > 0) {
            output = "+!" + output;
          for (i = 1; i < number; i++) {
            output = "+!+[]" + output;
          if (number > 1) {
            output = output.substr(1);

          MAPPING[number] = "[" + output + "]";

      function replaceMap() {
        var character = "",

        function replace(pattern, replacement) {
          value = value.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "gi"), replacement);

        function digitReplacer(_, x) {
          return MAPPING[x];

        function numberReplacer(_, y) {
          var values = y.split("");
          var head = +values.shift();
          var output = "+[]";

          if (head > 0) {
            output = "+!" + output;
          for (i = 1; i < head; i++) {
            output = "+!+[]" + output;
          if (head > 1) {
            output = output.substr(1);

          return [output]
            .replace(/(\d)/g, digitReplacer);

        for (i = MIN; i <= MAX; i++) {
          character = String.fromCharCode(i);
          value = MAPPING[character];
          if (!value) {

          for (key in CONSTRUCTORS) {
            replace("\\b" + key, CONSTRUCTORS[key] + '["constructor"]');

          for (key in SIMPLE) {
            replace(key, SIMPLE[key]);

          replace("(\\d\\d+)", numberReplacer);
          replace("\\((\\d)\\)", digitReplacer);
          replace("\\[(\\d)\\]", digitReplacer);

          replace("GLOBAL", GLOBAL);
          replace('\\+""', "+[]");
          replace('""', "[]+[]");

          MAPPING[character] = value;

      function replaceStrings() {
        var regEx = /[^\[\]\(\)\!\+]{1}/g,
          count = MAX - MIN;

        function findMissing() {
          var all,
            done = false;

          missing = {};

          for (all in MAPPING) {
            value = MAPPING[all];

            if (value && value.match(regEx)) {
              missing[all] = value;
              done = true;

          return done;

        function mappingReplacer(a, b) {
          return b.split("").join("+");

        function valueReplacer(c) {
          return missing[c] ? c : MAPPING[c];

        for (all in MAPPING) {
          if (MAPPING[all]) {
            MAPPING[all] = MAPPING[all].replace(

        while (findMissing()) {
          for (all in missing) {
            value = MAPPING[all];
            value = value.replace(regEx, valueReplacer);

            MAPPING[all] = value;
            missing[all] = value;

          if (count-- === 0) {
            console.error("Could not compile the following chars:", missing);

      function escapeSequence(c) {
        var cc = c.charCodeAt(0);
        if (cc < 256) {
          return "\\" + cc.toString(8);
        } else {
          var cc16 = cc.toString(16);
          return "\\u" + ("0000" + cc16).substring(cc16.length);

      function escapeSequenceForReplace(c) {
        return escapeSequence(c).replace("\\", "t");

      function encode(input, wrapWithEval, runInParentScope) {
        var output = [];

        if (!input) {
          return "";

        var unmappped = "";
        for (var k in MAPPING) {
          if (MAPPING[k]) {
            unmappped += k;
        unmappped = unmappped.replace(/[.*+?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&");
        unmappped = new RegExp("[^" + unmappped + "]", "g");
        var unmappedCharactersCount = (input.match(unmappped) || []).length;
        if (unmappedCharactersCount > 1) {
          // Without this optimization one unmapped character has encoded length
          // of about 3600 characters. Every additional unmapped character adds
          // 2000 to the total length. For example, the length of `~` is 3605,
          // `~~` is 5600, and `~~~` is 7595.
          // The loader with replace has encoded length of about 5300 characters
          // and every additional character adds 100 to the total length.
          // In the same example the length of `~~` becomes 5371 and `~~~` -- 5463.
          // So, when we have more than one unmapped character we want to encode whole input
          // except select characters (that have encoded length less than about 70)
          // into an escape sequence.
          // NOTE: `t` should be escaped!
          input = input.replace(
        } else if (unmappedCharactersCount > 0) {
          //Because we will wrap the input into a string we need to escape Backslash
          // and Double quote characters (we do not need to worry about other characters
          // because they are not mapped explicitly).
          // The JSFuck-encoded representation of `\` is 2121 symbols,
          // so escaped `\` is 4243 symbols and escaped `"` is 2261 symbols
          // however the escape sequence of that characters are
          // 2168 and 2155 symbols respectively, so it's more practical to
          // rewrite them as escape sequences.
          input = input.replace(/["\\]/g, escapeSequence);
          //Convert all unmapped characters to escape sequence
          input = input.replace(unmappped, escapeSequence);

        var r = "";
        for (var i in SIMPLE) {
          r += i + "|";
        r += ".";

        input.replace(new RegExp(r, "g"), function (c) {
          var replacement = SIMPLE[c];
          if (replacement) {
            output.push("(" + replacement + "+[])");
          } else {
            replacement = MAPPING[c];
            if (replacement) {
            } else {
              throw new Error("Found unmapped character: " + c);

        output = output.join("+");

        if (/^\d$/.test(input)) {
          output += "+[]";

        if (unmappedCharactersCount > 1) {
          // replace `t` with `\\`
          output =
            "(" +
            output +
            ")[" +
            encode("split") +
            "](" +
            encode("t") +
            ")[" +
            encode("join") +
            "](" +
            encode("\\") +

        if (unmappedCharactersCount > 0) {
          output =
            "[][" +
            encode("flat") +
            "]" +
            "[" +
            encode("constructor") +
            "]" +
            "(" +
            encode('return"') +
            "+" +
            output +
            "+" +
            encode('"') +

        if (wrapWithEval) {
          if (runInParentScope) {
            output =
              "[][" +
              encode("flat") +
              "]" +
              "[" +
              encode("constructor") +
              "]" +
              "(" +
              encode("return eval") +
              ")()" +
              "(" +
              output +
          } else {
            output =
              "[][" +
              encode("flat") +
              "]" +
              "[" +
              encode("constructor") +
              "]" +
              "(" +
              output +

        return output;


      self.JSFuck = {
        encode: encode,
  encode(input, shouldWrapInEval) {
    return this.JSFuck.encode(input, shouldWrapInEval, true);