
What is Hackvertor?

Hackvertor is a community based conversion/security tool. You can build and share tags which perform various conversions to help with pen testing and data conversions

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Hall of fame

Position Name Status Points
1 garethheyes Root 1000065
2 sirdarckcat JS Apprentice 368
3 trew_0 Script kiddie 51
4 Samuirai Script kiddie 11
5 Hp7911 Script kiddie 5
6 Mu5a5shi Script kiddie 2
7 minhlv82 Script kiddie 2
8 akram1191 Script kiddie 1
9 p_laguna Script kiddie 0
10 ch3p0t Script kiddie 0

Hall of shame

Position Name Status Points
1 Thedjawen Proxy rider -5
2 prasannain Proxy rider -5

Recent tags added

Position Name By Points Status
1 StringExploiting Hp7911 5 Script kiddie
2 Hp7911 Hp7911 5 Script kiddie
3 behavior garethheyes 1000065 Root
4 lolk akram1191 1 Script kiddie
5 phpnonalpha2 garethheyes 1000065 Root
6 Firefox_crash garethheyes 1000065 Root
7 torange garethheyes 1000065 Root
8 calc garethheyes 1000065 Root
9 flash_embed garethheyes 1000065 Root
10 win8_alert garethheyes 1000065 Root

Most popular HVURLS

Position Name
1 jjdecode
2 eval fromcharcode
3 jjencode and aaencode
4 decode challenge
5 dom injection checker
6 js string split execute
7 assembly
8 unicode lookup is awesome
9 php non alpha code
10 php test

Recently added HVURLS

Position Name
1 bingrules
2 double_nibble_uri
3 decoded
4 decode replace
5 decode challenge
6 nonalpha gen
7 eval fromcharcode
8 proto
9 postMessage xss
10 another encoder


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